Python Fundamentals
- In order to provide an input, process it and to receive output, we need to write a program.
- Program, is a group of instructions which controls processing.
- In other words, base for processing is ‘the Program’.
- In this chapter we will come to know about various element of processing like – character set, token, expressions, statements, input.
Python Character Set
Character Set-is a group of letters or signs which are specific to a language.
- Character set includes letter, sign, number, symbol.
- Letters: A-Z, a-z
- Digits: 0-9
- Special Symbols: _, +, -, *, /, (, ), {, } . . . Etc.
- White Spaces: blank space, tab, carriage return, newline, formfeed etc.
- Other characters: Python can process all characters of ASCII and UNICODE.
Token- is the smallest unit of any programming language.
It is also known as Lexical Unit.
Types of token are :-
- Keywords
- Identifiers (Names)
- Literals
- Operators
- Punctuators
Keywords are those words which provides a special meaning to interpreter.
These are building blocks of a program and are used to give names to different parts/blocks of a program like - variable, objects, classes, functions.
- An identifier may be a combination of letters and numbers.
- An identifier must begin with an alphabet or an underscore( _ ). Subsequent letters may be numbers(0-9).
- Python is case sensitive. Uppercase characters are distinct from lowercase characters (P and p are different for interpreter).
- Length of an Identifier is unlimited.
- Keywords can not be used as an identifier.
- Space and special symbols are not permitted in an identifier name except an underscore( _ ) sign.
- Some valid identifiers are – – Myfile, Date9_7_17, Z2T0Z9, _DS, _CHK FILE13.
- Some invald identifiers are – – DATA-REC, 29COLOR, break, My.File.
Literals / Values
Literals are often called Constant Values.
Python permits following types of literals -
- String literals :- “Pankaj”
- Numeric literals :– 10, 13.5, 3+5i
- Boolean literals :– True or False
- Special Literal None :– Literal collections.
String Literals
String Literal is a sequence of characters that can be a combination of letters, numbers and special symbols, enclosed in quotation marks, single, double or triple(“ “ or ‘ ‘ or “’ ‘”).
In python, string is of 2 types-
- Single line string :-
- Text = “Hello World” or Text = ‘Hello World’
- Multi line string :-
- Text = ‘hello\
- Text = ‘’’hello word ‘’’
Numeric Literals
Numeric values can be of three types -
- int (signed integers)
- Decimal Integer Literals :– 10, 17, 210 etc.
- Octal Integer Literals :- 0o17, 0o217 etc.
- Hexadecimal Integer Literals :– 0x14, 0x2A4, 0xABD etc.
2. float ( floating point real value)
- Fractional Form :– 2.0, 17.5 -13.5, -.00015 etc.
- Exponent Form : -1.7E+8, .25E-4 etc.
3. Complex (complex numbers) :
- 3+5i etc.
Boolean Literals
It can contain either of only two values – True or False
- A= True
- B= False
Special Literals
None, which means nothing (no value).
- X = None
An Operator is a symbol that trigger some action when applied to identifier (s)/ operand (s) .
Therefore, an operator requires operand (s) to compute upon.
example : c = a + b
- Here, a, b, c are operands and operators are = and + which are performing differently.
Types of Operators
Python supports following types of operators -
- Unary Operator
- Unary plus (+)
- Unary Minus (-)
- Bitwise complement (~)
- Logical Negation (not)
- Binary Operator
- Arithmetic operator (+, -, *, /, %, **, //)
- Relational Operator(<, >, <=, >=, ==, != )
- Logical Operator (and, or)
- Assigment Operator (=, /=, +=, -=, *=, %=, **=, //=)
- Bitwise Operator (& bitwise and, ^ bitwise xor, | bitwise or)
- Shift operator (<< shift left, >> shift right)
- Identity Operator (is, is not)
- Membership Operator (in, not in)
In Python, punctuators are used to construct the program and to make balance between instructions and statements.
- Punctuators have their own syntactic and semantic significance.
- Python has following Punctuators - ‘ , ” , #, \, (, ), [, ], {, }, @. ,, :, .. `, =
A Python Program Structure
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