Unit I: Computer Systems
and Organisation
● Basic Computer
Organisation: Introduction to computer system, hardware, software, input device,
output device, CPU, memory (primary, cache and secondary), units of
memory (Bit, Byte, KB, MB,GB, TB, PB)
● Types of
software: system software (operating systems, system utilities, device
drivers), programming tools and language
translators (assembler, compiler
& interpreter), application software
Operating system (OS): functions of operating system,
OS user interface
● Boolean logic:
NOT, AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR, truth table, De Morgan’s laws and logic circuits
● Number system:
Binary, Octal, Decimal
and Hexadecimal number system; conversion between number systems.
Encoding schemes: ASCII,
(UTF8, UTF32)
- Used vacuum tubes to control and amplify electronic signals
- Huge computers that occupied lot of space
- High electricity consumption and high heat generation
- Were unreliable since they were prone to frequent hardware failures
- Commercial production was difficult
- They were very costly and required constant maintenance
- Continuous air conditioning was required
- Programming was done in machine language although assembly language also started at the end of this generation
- Example : ENIAC , EDVAC , UNIVAC 1
- Use transistor based technology
- Were smaller and less expensive as compared to first generation
- Consumed less electricity and emitted less heat
- Magnetic core memories and magnetic disks were used as primary and
- secondary storage respectively
- First operating system developed
- Programming in assembly language and in the later part high level languages were used
- Wider commercial use but commercial production was still difficult
- They also required constant air-conditioning.
- Examples: IBM 1401, IBM 1620, UNIVAC 1108
- Used integrated circuits
- Computers were smaller , faster and more reliable
- Low power consumption and less emission of heat as compared to previous generations
- Examples: IBM 360 series, Honeywell 6000 series
- ICs with LSI and VLSI technology
- Microprocessors developed
- Portable computers developed
- Networking and data communication became popular
- Different types of secondary memory with high storage capacity and fast access developed
- Very reliable ,powerful and small in size
- Negligible power consumption and heat generation
- Very less production cost
- Parallel Processing
- Superconductivity
- Artificial Intelligence
Booting Process is of two types – Warm and Cold
The computers can be classified based on the technology being used as:
Digital, Analog and Hybrid
Digital Computers:
These computers are capable of processing information in discrete form. In digital technology data which can be in the form of letters, symbols or numbers is represented in binary form i.e. 0s and 1s. Binary digits are easily expressed in a digital computer by the presence (1) or absence (0) of current or voltage. It computes by counting and adding operations. The digital computers are used in industrial, business and scientific applications. They are quite suitable for large volume data processing.
Analog Computers:
An analog computer works on continuously changeable aspects of physical
phenomenon such as fluid pressure, mechanical motion and electrical quantities. These computers measure changes in continuous physical quantities say current and voltage.
These computers are used to process data generated by ongoing physical processes. A thermometer is an example of an analog computer since it measures the change in mercury level continuously. Although the accuracy of an analog computer is less as compared to digital computers, yet it is used to process data generated by changing physical quantities especially when the response to change is fast. Most present day analog computers are well suited to simulating systems. A simulator helps to conduct
experiments repeatedly in real time environment. Some of the common examples are simulations in aircrafts, nuclear power plants, hydraulic and electronic networks.
Hybrid Computers:
These use both analog and digital technology. It has the speed of analog computer and the accuracy of a digital computer. It may accept digital or analog signals but an extensive conversion of data from digital to analog and analog to digital has to be done.
Generally the analog components provide efficient processing of differential equations while the digital part deals with logical operations of the system. Hence benefits of both analog and digital computing are readily available. Hybrid Computers are used as a cost effective means for complex simulations.
The digital computers are classified according to their computing capabilities. The various types of digital computers are discussed below:
Micro Computers
These are also known as Personal Computers. These type of digital computer uses a microprocessor (a CPU on a single chip) and include both desktops and laptops. These computers can work on small volume of data, are very versatile and can handle variety of applications. These computers are being used as work stations, CAD, multimedia and advertising applications. Small portable computers such as PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) and tablets with wireless computing technology are increasingly becoming popular.
Mini Computers
These computers can support multiple users working simultaneously on the same machine. These are mainly used in an organization where computers installed in various departments are interconnected. These computers are useful for small business organizations.
Main Frames
These computers are large and very powerful computers with very high memory
capacity. These can process huge databases such as census at extremely fast rate. They are suitable for big organizations, banks, industries etc. and can support hundreds of users simultaneously on the network.
Super Computers
These are fastest and very expensive computers. They can execute billions of
instructions per second. These are multiprocessor, parallel systems suitable for
specialized complex scientific applications involving huge amounts of mathematical applications such as weather forecasting. The main difference between a supercomputer and a mainframe is that a supercomputer executes fewer programs as fast as possible whereas a mainframe executes many programs concurrently.
Computer is an electronic device, which takes input from its user, process it according to the instructions given and produce a result called output. or we can say that a computer system is a set of integrated devices that input, output, process, and store data and information.
IPO cycle (Input Process Output): in this cycle instructions are given, processed and executed.
INPUT : This is the first step where instructions or data are given to the computer through keyboard or mouse. This unit is known as input unit.
PROCESS : This is the second step where processing is carried out i.e. execution of instructions. This unit is known as Central Processing Unit (CPU).
OUTPUT : This is the third step where result of a processing is displayed on the screen of the computer.
The computer is the combination of hardware and software.
Hardware are the physical components of the computer system. They are
tangible in nature (i.e. one can touch the hardware components like motherboard, monitor,
Software are the logical components of the computer system. They are
intangible in nature (i.e. one cannot touch software). Software is the set of programs or instructions. it helps in maintaining the computer
system and performing the various tasks with the computer system
Both hardware
and software together make the
computer system function.
- Keyboard: Basic Input Device for key entry
- Mouse : pointing device, input through four basic operation, Click, Double Click, Right Click, Drag.
- BCR (Bar Code Reader) : group of dark lines of varying thickness, generally used to obtain details of products in superstore
- OMR (Optical Mark Reader ): Input through dark spots on paper, generally used for conducting tests based on multiple choice pattern.
- OCR (Optical Character Reader ): mechanism to read printed text or convert printed text into editable form.
- MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Reader): used in processing of cheques in Bank
- Joystick : used in playing Games
- Mic or microphone : to provide sound input
- Scanner: to convert a hard copy (printed matter) to soft copy.
- Camera: to obtain photographs or video.
- Monitor : also known as VDU or visual display unit. This is the basic output unit of computer. 99% output is shown on Monitor only. There are various types of Monitors:-
- Printers: Printers are used to obtain a hard of the output.
- Plotters : Plotters are heavy duty printers that are used to print Vector Graphics.
- Projector : Projectors are used to display the output on a screen.
- Speakers : to produce sound output.
CPU is called brain of the computer. It is also known as processor. It is responsible for carrying out all activities in a computer. It is further divided into three parts:
· Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU): This unit is responsible for arithmetic calculations and comparison.
· Control Unit (CU): This unit is responsible for flow of data and instructions between different units of computer. It decides whether data should go to ALU, registers, memory unit, secondary storage or output unit.
· Registers: They are memory cells inside CPU to store data temporarily. They are mainly used to store frequently used data.
Memory unit is used to store data and instructions. It stores data in machine language
i.e. in the form of 0 and 1. The binary digits 0 and 1 are known as bits.
PRIMARY MEMORY: Memory unit is also termed as primary memory. It consists of three parts:
· RAM (Random Access Memory)
· ROM (Read Only Memory)
· Cache Memory
RAM (Random Access Memory): It is used to store data and instructions temporarily. It retains data in it as long as the power is on. All the contents of RAM get cleared if power supply is turned off.
Types of RAM:
· DYNAMIC RAM: It consists of capacitors and transistors. It uses electric charge to store the data.
· STATIC RAM: It consists of flip-flops. It stores data in binary form. It has faster access time compared to dynamic RAM.
ROM (Read Only Memory) : ROM stands for Read Only Memory. Data is permanently stored in ROM. it contains instructions needed to start up the computer and load operating system into RAM.
Types of ROM:
· PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory) : It can be programmed once.
· EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory): It can be erased by keeping ROM chip using Ultraviolet light. It can be reprogrammed..
· EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Read Only Memory): It can be erased by electrical signal. It can also be reprogrammed.
It is special memory used to compensate the speed difference between CPU (very fast) and RAM (very slow). It stores the copies of frequently used data from RAM. Hence it reduces the time required to access data from primary memory.
MEMORY UNITS (Measurement of Data):
1 Bit = 0 or 1
1 Nibble= 4 Bits
1 Byte= 8 Bits
1 KB (Kilo Byte)= 1024 Bytes (210)
1 MB (Megabyte) = 1024 KB (1024 X 1024 Bytes)
1 GB (Gigabyte) = 1024 MB
1 TB (Terabyte) = 1024 GB
1 PB (Petabyte) = 1024 TB
1 EB (Exabyte) = 1024 PB
1 ZB (Zettabyte) = 1024 EB
storage unit is used to store data permanently. It consists of different types
of storage devices.
Most commonly used storage devices are:
Hard Disk: It is the most commonly used storage device to store data on
a computer. It consists of multiple magnetic plates and heads to read and
write data. Magnetic plates are
further divided into tracks and sectors to store data. Maximum capacity of hard
disk is 15TB.
Compact Disk
(CD): it is an optical disk to store data. it have a storage capacity of 700 MB. There are three types of CDs:
Ø CD-ROM (Compact
Disk Read Only Memory): These are pre-recorded CDs provided by manufacturers. Example: CDs containing softwares, games, ebooks etc.
Ø CD-R (Compact
Disk Recordable): Data can be recorded on these CDs only once.
Ø CD-RW (Compact
Disk Rewritable): These types of CDs can be erased and recorded multiple times.
Digital Versatile
Disk (DVD): it is an optical disk to store data and have a storage capacity
of upto 17 GB. There
are three types of
Ø DVD-ROM (Digital
Versatile Disk – Read Only Memory): These are prerecorded DVDs provided by manufacturers. Example:
DVDs containing movies
Ø DVD-R (Digital
Versatile Disk – Recordable): Data
can be recorded on these DVDs only once.
Ø DVD-RW (Digital Versatile Disk – Rewritable):These types of DVDs can be erased and recorded multiple times.
Blu Ray Disk: it is optical
disk that can store HD (High Definition) videos and data. They can store
up-to 128 GB of data.
Pen Drive : It is also
called Flash memory. It is a solid state memory that can store more than 128GB of data.
Software is defined as a collection of programs which
are used for different purposes.
There are three types of software:
System Software
Application Software
Utility Software
Classification of Software:
Categories of Software:
System software
is used to perform functions
related to general
operations of computer
system. It has two types:
Operating System: it is an interface between
user and computer.
It takes instructions from user and further
instructs hardware components to work. The results produced by hardware components are sent back to the user.
Example: Windows 10 , Unix, Linux, Android
Language Translators: These softwares are used to convert the High Level Language instructions into Machine Language instructions.
Types of language
Ø Compiler: It converts High Level Language
program into machine
language in one go.
Ø Interpreter: It converts High Level Language
program into machine
language line by line.
Assembler: It converts assembly
language into machine
Application software: it is used to perform
specific operation on computer. It has two types:
Ø General Purpose software: These softwares can be
used by more than one type of user.
Example: MS Word is a general purpose software that can be used by students,
teachers as well as
Ø Special Purpose / Customized Software: These softwares
can be used by only one type of user.
Example: Banking Data Management software can be used only by bank employees.
Utility Software
These softwares
are used to take backup,
remove outdated file, recover data and other tasks that assist in smooth operation of
Examples : Anti-Virus , Disk Defragmentation, Disk Clean, Backup,
Device Driver: A device driver is a particular form of software application that
allows one hardware device to
interact with another hardware device .A device driver may also be called
a software driver. Example
connecting a PC to a printer.
Operating system is an interface
between computer hardware
and user. It is responsible for the management of
activities and the sharing of the computer resources. Operating system is divided into two parts:
Ø Shell: It accepts instructions from user and
instructs kernel to perform further operations
Ø Kernel: It accepts
instructions from shell and instructs
hardware devices to perform operations.
Ø Process Management:-
The operating system takes care of the allotment of CPU time to different processes. it can create and delete processes.
It also provides mechanism for
communication among processes. This deals with management of the Central Processing Unit (CPU). This is
known as scheduling.
Ø Memory Management:-
The CPU and the I/O devices interact with the memory. When a program needs to be executed it is loaded onto the main
memory till the execution is
complete. Thereafter that memory space is freed and is available for other programs. The common memory management techniques used by the operating system are Partitioning and Virtual Memory. Operating System allocates and de-allocates memory
to different softwares.
Ø File Management:-
It manages storage,
retrieval, naming, sharing,
and protection of files. It
also manages the files, folders and directory systems on a computer. The file manager of the
operating system helps to create, edit, copy,
allocate memory to the file.
Ø Device Management: The Operating System communicates with hardware and the attached devices and maintains a balance between them and the CPU. This is all the more important because the CPU processing speed is much higher than that of I/O devices. It is responsible allocation and de-allocation of the hardware devices to different programs. In order to optimize the CPU time, the operating system employs two techniques - Buffering and Spooling.
Ø I/O System Management: It takes care of allocation and de-allocation of Input/Output devices to different programs.
Types of Operating
Operating system
can be classified into the following types:
Ø Single User OS: It is used on a standalone
single computer for performing a single
task. Operating systems for Personal Computers (PC) are single-user OS. Single user OS are simple operating system
designed to manage one task at a time. MS-DOS is an example of single user OS.
Ø Multiuser OS is used in mini computers or
mainframes that allow same data and applications to be accessed
by multiple users at the same time. The users can also communicate with each other. Example: -Linux and UNIX OS
Ø Multiprocessing OS have two or more processors
for a single running process. Processing
takes place in parallel and is also called parallel processing. Linux, Example:
UNIX and Windows 7 OS.
Ø Time sharing Operating System: It allows
execution of more than one tasks or processes
concurrently. For this, the processor time is divided amongst different tasks. This division
of time is also called
time sharing. Example
: Windows 95
Ø Real Time Operating System: It is a
multitasking operating system designed for real time applications
like robotics.
Ø Distributed Operating System: On a network data
is stored and processed on multiple
locations. The Distributed Operating System is used on networks as it allows shared data/files to be accessed
from any machine on the network in a transparent manner.
Ø Interactive Operating System: This is the
operating system that provides a Graphic
User Interface (GUI) through which the user can easily navigate and interact.
Commonly Used Operating Systems:
Windows: It is a GUI (Graphic User Interface) and
various versions of Windows have been launched like Windows 95, Windows 98, Win NT, Windows XP, Windows 7 ,
8 and Windows 10.
Linux: Linux
is a free and open software which means it is freely available for use and since its source code is also
available so anybody can use it, modify it and
redistribute it.
BOSS (Bharat Operating
System Solutions): This is an Indian distribution of GNU/Linux. It
consists of Linux operating system kernel, office application suite, Bharateeya Open Office, Internet browser
(Firefox), multimedia applications and file sharing.
· UNIX: It is a multitasking, multiuser operating system and is widely being used in a networked environment. It is a free Unix based operating system introduced by Sun Microsystems in 1992. It is now also known as Oracle Solaris.
SOLARIS is registered as compliant with Single UNIX Specification. It is quite
scalable and is used on virtual machines.
User Interface
Natural Language Interface (Voice based)
These types
of user interfaces use languages like English, French, etc in a very humanistic way so
that users don’t feel like they are talking
to a robot. NLI
can be verbal
or written.
In verbal
interfaces, it feels like someone is talking to you and getting
the work done for you.
Examples: Apple’s SIRI,
Microsoft’s Cortana, Google’s
Assistant and Amazon’s Alexa.
Menu-driven Interface (Touch based)
Menu-driven Interface is used for very specific purposes which only
require a few options or a small menu to be given to the users. The options can be in the form of buttons which can be either
touch-based or physical. It allows users
to interact with
the system simply
using the touch
Examples : ATM machines, Android and iOS.
Gesture-based Interface
Mobile phones
based on Android and iOS as well as laptops
allow users interact with the devices
using gestures like waving, tilting, eye motion and
shaking. This technology is
evolving faster and it has promising potential for
application in gaming, medicine and other
Graphical User
allows users run programs or give instructions to the computer in the form of icons, menus
and other visual
The input
devices used to interact with the GUI commonly include the mouse and the
Examples: Microsoft Windows, Ubuntu, Fedora
and Macintosh.
Command-Line interface
CLI requires a user to enter the commands to perform different tasks like creating, opening,
editing or deleting a file, etc.
The primary input device used by the user for command based interface is the
Examples: MS-DOS
and Unix.
User Interface
Natural Language Interface (Voice based)
These types
of user interfaces use languages like English, French, etc in a very humanistic way so
that users don’t feel like they are talking
to a robot. NLI
can be verbal
or written.
In verbal
interfaces, it feels like someone is talking to you and getting
the work done for you.
Examples: Apple’s SIRI,
Microsoft’s Cortana, Google’s
Assistant and Amazon’s Alexa.
Menu-driven Interface (Touch based)
Menu-driven Interface is used for very specific purposes which only
require a few options or a small menu to be given to the users. The options can be in the form of buttons which can be either
touch-based or physical. It allows users
to interact with
the system simply
using the touch
Examples : ATM machines, Android and iOS.
Gesture-based Interface
Mobile phones
based on Android and iOS as well as laptops
allow users interact with the devices
using gestures like waving, tilting, eye motion and
shaking. This technology is
evolving faster and it has promising potential for
application in gaming, medicine and other
Graphical User
allows users run programs or give instructions to the computer in the form of icons, menus
and other visual
The input
devices used to interact with the GUI commonly include the mouse and the
Examples: Microsoft Windows, Ubuntu, Fedora
and Macintosh.
Command-Line interface
CLI requires a user to enter the commands to perform different tasks like creating, opening,
editing or deleting a file, etc.
The primary input device used by the user for command based interface is the
Examples: MS-DOS
and Unix.
- Android: It is a Linux derived Mobile OS released on 5th November 2007 and by 2011 it had more than 50% of the global Smartphone market share.
- It is Google’s open and free software that includes an operating system, middle-ware and some key applications for use on mobile devices.
- Android applications are quiet user friendly and even one can easily customize the Smartphone with Android OS.
- Various versions of Android OS have been released like 1.0, 1.5, 1.6, 2. x, 3.0 etc. Most Android phones use the 2.x release while Android 3.0 is available only for tablets.
- The Android releases have dessert inspired code-names like Cupcake, Honeycomb, Ice Cream sandwich and Jelly Bean.
- Android 10 is the tenth major release and the 17th version of the Android mobile operating system. It was released on September 3, 2019.
- Symbian: This Mobile OS by Nokia (currently being maintained by Accenture) designed for smartphones.
- It offers high level of functional integration between communication and personal information management.
- It has an integrated mail box and it completely facilitates the usage of all Google applications in your smartphone easily.
- Symbian applications are easy to shut down as compared to Android applications.
- Various versions like S60 series, S80 series, S90 series, Symbian Anna etc have been released.
- The latest Symbian releases (Symbian Belle/Nokia Belle Feature Pack 2 / 2 October 2012 ) can support 48 languages.
Software are mainly categorized into the following categories based on their licenses:
1. Proprietary
2. Shareware
3. Freeware
4. Open source
5. Free Software
- Proprietary : We pay a supplier for a copy of the software which these days may be supplied on physical media (disks) or downloaded from the Internet. We get the permission to use the software on one or sometimes more than one machines. Examples of this type of software include Microsoft Office and Microsoft Windows.
- Shareware: Shareware is basically a software for trial purpose that the user is allowed to try for free, for a specified period of time. It is usually downloaded from the Internet. When the trial period ends, the software must be purchased or uninstalled.
- Freeware: Freeware software is free of cost and is usually bundled up with some operating system or any other software. Examples of freeware include Microsoft Internet Explorer which comes bundled up with any Microsoft operating system. The author of the freeware software is the owner of the software, though people may use it for free. The source code is not available, so no modifications can be done. Freeware should not be mistaken with Open Source Software or Free Software.
- Open source : Open Source Software (OSS) is the software which gives the users freedom to run/use the software for any purpose and in any manner. They can be used, modified and even redistributed. In simple terms it can be freely used but it may not be free of charge. The source code is freely available to the customer. LAMP ( Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) ,Python, MySQL etc are examples of Open Source Software.
- Free Software: This type of software is freely accessible and can be freely used, modified, copied or distributed by anyone. And no licence fee or any other form of payment need to be made for a free software. The source code is also accessible in case of free softwares. WordPress is an example of free software released under the GPL or General Public License.
- Boot Sector Virus: A boot sector virus displaces the boot record and copies itself to the boot sector i.e. where the program to boot the machine is stored. So first the virus is loaded on to the main memory and then the operating system. Whenever a new disk is inserted the virus copies itself to the new disk. The antivirus overwrites the correct boot record on the infected boot sector and also cleans the bad sectors.
- File Virus: A file virus generally attacks executable files. They can attach to various locations of the original file, replace code, fill in open spaces in the code, or create companion files to work with an executable file. Most of the file viruses are memory resident and wait in the memory until the user runs another program. While another program is running, the virus replicates.
- Macro Virus: This virus infects an important file called normal.dot of MS Word. As soon as the application is opened the virus gets activated. It damages the formatting of documents and even may not allow editing or saving of documents.
- Trojan Horse: It is a code generally hidden in games or spreadsheets. Since they are hidden, the program seems to function as the user wants but actually it is destroying the program. A Trojan horse does not require a host program to embed itself. It is a complete program. Its main objective is to cause harm to the data. They can create bad sectors on the disk, destroy file allocation tables and cause the system to hang.
- Worm: Worm is a program capable of replicating itself on a computer network. A worm also does not require a host as it is a self contained program. They generally travel from one computer to another across communication links on a network. They generally disrupt routine services.
Encoding schemes:
Computers are designed to work internally with numbers. In order to
handle characters, we need to choose
a number for each character. The ability of a computer system to understand signals or letters depends on its character set
The complete
set of characters / symbols
are called alphanumeric codes. The complete
alphanumeric code typically includes
Ø 26 upper case letters
Ø 26 lower
case letters (a-z)
Ø 10 digits
Ø 7 punctuation marks
Ø 20 to 40 special
Following are some forms of character set or encoding
ASCII Code: (American Standard
Code for Information Interchange) most of the micro computers, mini computers and some mainframe computers use this code.
ASCII code has two versions - ASCII – 7 and ASCII – 8.
Ø ASCII – 7 code use 7 bits for one signal or character.
By this, 27 = 128 , different characters can be used.
ASCII – 8 code use 8 bits for one signal or character. By this, 28 = 256 , different
characters can be used.
ISCII: it stands for
Indian Script Code for Information Interchange for Indian languages. In order to facilitate the use of Indian languages
on Computers, a common standard
for coding Indian
scripts called ISCII was developed in India.
It is an 8-bit code representation for Indian languages which means
it can represent 28=256 characters. It
retains all 128 ASCII codes and uses rest of the codes 128 for additional Indian language character set.
Additional codes have been assigned in the upper
region (160– 255) for the ‘aksharas’ of the language. These codes are used for
ten Indian scripts - Devnagari,
Punjabi, Gujarati, Oriya, Bengali, Assamese, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam
and Tamil.
This is Universal Character Set which represents a signal or a
character in a group of 32 bit. It
has the capability to include signals and characters from all scripts of all
languages of world.
The Unicode Standard
is the universal character encoding
standard for written
characters and text. Each character
or symbol is assigned a unique numeric
value, largely within the
framework of ASCII. Earlier, each script had its own encoding system, which could
conflict with each other.
The purpose of Unicode is to −
a unique number for every character, no matter what the platform,
matter what the program, no matter
what the language.
Unicode characters are represented in one of three encoding
Ø an 8-bit form (UTF-8)
Ø a 16-bit
form (UTF-16)
Ø a 32-bit
form (UTF32)
a) Hardware b) software c) firmware d) None
2. The smallest memory unit is:
a) bit b) byte c) kilobyte d) megabyte
3. Antivirus is a type of which software:
a) System software b) Application software c) Utility Software d) Firmware
4. A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language is called-
a) Interpreter b) Compiler c) Linker d) Assembler
5. Which of the following is not a multi-user operating system?
a) DOS b) Windows c) Linux d) Unix
6. Which of the following are two main components of CPU?
a) ALU & MU b) ALU & CU c) I/O d) None
7. Which keyboard is used by visually impaired users?
a) Analog Keyboard b) Digital Keyboard c) Braille Keyboard d) None
8. Which of the following is volatile memory?
a) RAM b) ROM c) Both a & b d) None
9. Operating system with touch-based interface is……….
a) Andriod b) ios c) both a & b d) None
Q. 1. Explain four characteristics of computer :
- Speed: The computer can process data very fast, at the rate of millions of instructions per second. Some calculations that would have taken hours and days to complete otherwise, can be completed in a few seconds using the computer.
- Accuracy: Computer provides a high degree of accuracy. For example : the computer can accurately give the result of division of any two numbers up to 30 decimal places.
- Diligence: When used for a longer period of time, the computer does not get tired or fatigued. It can perform long and complex calculations with the same speed and accuracy from the start till the end.
- Storage Capability: Large volumes of data and information can be stored in the computer and also retrieved whenever required. A limited amount of data can be stored temporarily in the primary memory. Secondary storage devices like DVD and compact disk can store a large amount of data permanently.
Q. 2 Expand the following terms:
Ans. :
CPU —> Central Processing Unit
VLSI —> Very Large-Scale Integration
SSI —> Small Scale Integration
IPO —> Input Process Output
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