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XII CS : Sample Paper and Suggested Practicals and Projects

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Database Connectivity

MySQL Python Connectivity


CBSE XII CS Sample Papers and Practice Papers links

XII CS Study Material 2024-25

XII CS : Suggested Practical and Projects

Projects based on  Python and My-SQL Connectivity Click on the link given below

Sample for Practical File 

XII CS- Last Minute Revision Tour

Friday, September 23, 2022



INTRODUCTION : A database is an organized collection of data that has been arranged and is  kept  in a computer system. A database management system often oversees a database (DBMS).

In other words we can say that Database is a systematic collection of data. Databases support storage and manipulation of data. Databases make data management easy. Let's discuss few examples.

 An online telephone directory would definitely use database to store data pertaining to people, phone numbers, other contact details, etc.


 To manage large chunks of data: if size of data increases into thousands of records, it will simply create a problem to manage. Database can manage large amount of data.

  •  Accuracy: Through validation rule in database, data accuracy can be maintained.
  •  Ease of updating data: With the database, we can flexibly update the data according to our convenience. Moreover, multiple people can also edit data at same time.
  •  Security of data: With databases we have security groups and privileges to restrict access.
  •  Data integrity: In databases, we can be assured of accuracy and consistency of data due to the built in integrity checks and access controls.

Advantages of Database System

  • Databases reduce Redundancy: It removes duplication of data because data are kept at one place and all the application refers to the centrally maintained database.
  • Database controls Inconsistency: When two copies of the same data do not agree to each other, then it is called Inconsistency. By controlling redundancy, the inconsistency is also controlled.
  • Database facilitates Sharing of Data; Data stored in the database can be shared among several users.
  • Database ensures Security: Data are protected against accidental or intentional disclosure to unauthorized person or unauthorized modification.
  • Database maintains Integrity: It enforces certain integrity rules to insure the validity or correctness of data. For ex. A date can’t be like 31/31/2000.
  • Database enforce standards.

Database Management System (DBMS)

Database Management System (DBMS) is a collection of programs which enables its users to access database, manipulate data, reporting / representation of data.It also helps to control access to the database.

Types of DBMS

There are 4 major types of DBMS. Let's look into them in detail.

Hierarchical DBMS

In a Hierarchical database, model data is organized in a tree-like structure. Data is Stored Hierarchically (top down or bottom up) format. Data is represented using a parent-child relationship. In Hierarchical DBMS parent may have many children, but children have only one parent.

 Network Model

The network database model allows each child to have multiple parents. It helps you to address the need to model more complex relationships like as the orders/parts many-to-many relationship. In this model, entities are organized in a graph which can be accessed through several paths.

 Relational model

Relational DBMS is the most widely used DBMS model because it is one of the easiest. This model is based on normalizing data in the rows and columns of the tables. Relational model stored in fixed structures and manipulated using SQL.

 Object-Oriented Model

In Object-oriented Model data stored in the form of objects. The structure which is called classes which display data within it. It defines a database as a collection of objects which stores both data members values and operations.

What is Relational Model

The relational model represents the database as a collection of relations. A relation is nothing but a table of values. Every row in the table represents a collection of related data values. These rows in the table denote a real-world entity or relationship.

Relational Model Concepts

 Attribute: Each column in a Table. Attributes are the properties which define a relation. e.g., Student_Rollno, NAME,etc.

 Tables – In the Relational model the, relations are saved in the table format. It is stored along with its entities. A table has two properties rows and columns. Rows represent records and columns represent attributes.

 Tuple – It is nothing but a single row of a table, which contains a single record.

 Relation Schema: A relation schema represents the name of the relation with its attributes.

 Degree: The total number of attributes which in the relation is called the degree of the relation.

 Cardinality: Total number of rows present in the Table.

 Column: The column represents the set of values for a specific attribute.

 Relation instance – Relation instance is a finite set of tuples in the RDBMS system. Relation instances never have duplicate tuples.

 Relation key - Every row has one, two or multiple attributes, which is called relation key.

 Attribute domain – Every attribute has some pre-defined value and scope which is known as attribute domain

 Domain :It is a collection of values from which the value is derived for a column.

trick to remember to find out no of degree and Cardinality of a table:

DCCR >> (Degree-> Column  Cardinality-> Row)

What are Keys?

 A DBMS key is an attribute or set of an attribute which helps you to identify a row (tuple) in a relation(table). They allow you to find the relation between two tables. Keys help you uniquely identify a row in a table by a combination of one or more columns in that table.


 Employee ID    FirstName       LastName

11                     ANUJ                 KUMAWAT

22                    GITIKA               VERMA

33                   TRAPTI                SINGH

 In the above-given example, employee ID is a primary key because it uniquely identifies an employee record. In this table, no other employee can have the same employee ID.

 Why we need a Key?

Here, are reasons for using Keys in the DBMS system.

Keys help you to identify any row of data in a table. In a real-world application, a table could contain thousands of records. Moreover, the records could be duplicated. Keys ensure that you can uniquely identify a table record despite these challenges.

Allows you to establish a relationship between and identify the relation between tables

Help you to enforce identity and integrity in the relationship.

 What is a Primary Key?

 PRIMARY KEY is a column or group of columns in a table that uniquely identify every row in that table. The Primary Key can't be a duplicate meaning the same value can't appear more than once in the table. A table cannot have more than one primary key.

Rules for defining Primary key:

  • Two rows can't have the same primary key value
  • It must for every row to have a primary key value.
  • The primary key field cannot be null.
  • The value in a primary key column can never be modified or updated if any foreign key refers to that primary key.


In the following example, StudID is a Primary Key.

 StudID    Roll No    First Name     LastName                Email

1               11             ANUJ                  KUMAR       

2              12             SOMYA                SINGH        

3              13             Dana                   Ram           


What is the Alternate key?

 ALTERNATE KEYS is a column or group of columns in a table that uniquely identify every row in that table. A table can have multiple choices for a primary key but only one can be set as the primary key. All the keys which are not primary key are called an Alternate Key.


In this table, StudID, Roll No, Email are qualified to become a primary key. But since StudID is the primary key, Roll No, Email becomes the alternative key.

StudID    Roll No    First Name     LastName       Email

1               11             ANUJ                  KUMAR       

2              12             SOMYA                SINGH        

3              13             Dana                   Ram           


What is a Candidate Key?

CANDIDATE KEY is a set of attributes that uniquely identify tuples in a table. Candidate Key is a super key with no repeated attributes. The Primary key should be selected from the candidate keys. Every table must have at least a single candidate key. A table can have multiple candidate keys but only a single primary key.

Properties of Candidate key:

  •  It must contain unique values
  • Candidate key may have multiple attributes
  • Must not contain null values
  • It should contain minimum fields to ensure uniqueness
  • Uniquely identify each record in a table

Example: In the given table Stud ID, Roll No, and email are candidate keys which help us to uniquely identify the student record in the table.

StudID    Roll No    First Name     LastName       Email

1               11             ANUJ                  KUMAR       

2              12             SOMYA                SINGH        

3              13             Dana                   Ram           


What is the Foreign key?


FOREIGN KEY is a column that creates a relationship between two tables. The purpose of Foreign keys is to maintain data integrity and allow navigation between two different instances of an entity. It acts as a cross-reference between two tables as it references the primary key of another table.


 DeptCode DeptName

001           Science

002           English

005          Computer

Teacher ID     Fname     Lname

B002                Vinod       Meena

B017                Birbal         Jat

B009               Prabhu        Singh

 In this example, we have two table, teach and department in a school. However, there is no way to see which search work in which department.

In this table, adding the foreign key in Deptcode to the Teacher name, we can create a relationship between the two tables.

 Teacher ID     DeptCode Fname     Lname

B002                002          Vinod        Meena

B017                002          Birbal        Jat

B009                001         Prabhu      Singh

 This concept is also known as Referential Integrity.

What is the Unique key?

A unique key is a set of one or more than one fields/columns of a table that uniquely identify a record in a database table. You can say that it is little like primary key but it can accept only one null value and it cannot have duplicate values.

Difference between Primary Key and Unique Key:

  • The primary key will not accept NULL values whereas the Unique key can accept NULL values.
  • A table can have only one primary key whereas there can be multiple unique keys on a table.
  • A Primary Key can be a Unique Key, but a Unique Key cannot be a primary key.

 SQL (Structured Query Language)

SQL is an acronym of Structured Query Language. It is a standard language developed and used for accessing and modifying relational databases.

The SQL language was originally developed at the IBM research laboratory in San José in the early 70s.

SQL is being used by many database management systems. Some of them are:

MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server


Features of SQL:

1.    Retrieve data from database

2.   Insert data in database

3.   Update data in database

4.   Create new database

5.   Create new tables in database

6.   Create views in database


Advantages of using SQL,

1.    Easy to use: Commands are very easy to use & learn

2.   Portable: it is compatible with other databases.

3.   Handle large volume of data

4.   Reliable: Well defined commands always provide desirable results without ambiguity.

5.   Provide data abstraction (security of data);  provides greater degree of abstraction as compared to other procedural language.

6.   Easily linked with HLL(High level languages)

7.   Case insensitive


Data Definition Language  :  (CAD)

 DDL commands are used for creating databases and tables. It contains necessary statements for creating, manipulating, altering and deleting tables.

1.    CREATE (create database and table)

2.   ALTER (alter table)

3.   DROP (delete table)

trick to remember DDL Commands: CAD

Data Manipulation Language:

 DML commands are used for manipulating Data.

1.    SELECT (view data from table)

2.   INSERT (insert data in table)

3.   UPDATE (update data in table)

4.   DELETE (delete data from table)

trick to remember DML Commands: SIDU

Data Types Mostly used in SQL: 

Data type



CHAR (n)

Fixed length character string. ‘n’ is the number of characters.

CHAR(5):“Ashok” “Vijay”


Variable length character string. ‘n’ is the maximum number of characters in the string.

“Vijay Kumar” “Ashok Sen”


Date in the form of


DATE: ‘2014-03-20’


Integer number


DECIMAL (m, d)

Fixed point number m represents the number of significant digits that are stored for values and d represents the number of digits that can be stored following the decimal point. If d is zero or not specified then the value does not contains any decimal part.

DECIMAL(5,2) : 999.99

DECIMAL (5) : 23456


SQL commands:

 Getting listings of databases;



Creating a database-

 mysql> CREATE database <databasename>;

mysql> CREATE database myschool;


Deleting a database

  • mysql> DROP database <databasename>;
  • mysql> DROP database myschool;

 After we have created the database we use the USE statement to change the current

  • mysql> USE <database name>;
  • mysql> USE myschool;

 Getting listings of tables in database (myschool)

  • mysql> SHOW TABLES;

 The command DESCRIBE is used to view the structure of a table.

  • mysql> DESCRIBE <tablename>;
  • mysql> DESCRIBE student;

To remove a table (DROP)

mysql> drop table <tablename>;

mysql> drop table  student;


Creating a table (CREATE)

 Creating a table in the database is achieved with a CREATE table command.

mysql> CREATE TABLE student

(lastname varchar(15),

Firstname varchar(15),

city varchar(20),

class char(2));


Insert data in Table (INSERT)

 To insert new rows into an existing table use the INSERT command:

mysql>INSERT INTO student values(‘dwivedi’,’freya’,’Udaipur’,’4’);

 Similarly we can insert multiple records.

Note 1: In INSERT command, only those columns can be omitted that have either default value or they allow NULL values.

Note 2: To insert NULL values in a specific column, you can type NULL without quotes.

Note 3: Dates are default entered in ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ format.

 INSERT command can also be used to take or derive values from one table and place them in another by using it with a query. To do this, simply replace the VALUES clause with an appropriate query as follows:

 mysql>INSERT INTO newstudent SELECT * FROM student

WHERE class=4;

 Note: Both the tables must be existing tables of the database.


View data from Table (SELECT)

 With the SELECT command we can retrieve (or see) previously inserted rows:

 mysql> SELECT * FROM student;

 A general form of SELECT is:

SELECT what to select(field name) FROM table(s)

WHERE condition that the data must satisfy;

Conditions can be set with help of following operators:

Comparison operators are: < ; <= ; = ; != or <> ; >= ; >

Logical operators are: AND ; OR ; NOT

Comparison operator for special value NULL: IS

Selecting rows by using the WHERE clause in the SELECT command

mysql> SELECT * FROM student WHERE class=“4";

 Selecting specific columns(Projection) by listing their names

mysql> SELECT first_name, class FROM student;


Update data in Table (UPDATE)

To modify or update entries in the table use the UPDATE command

mysql> UPDATE student SET class=“V" WHERE firstname=“freya";

All columns will be updated with same value

mysql> UPDATE student SET class=“V";


Delete data from Table

 Deleting selected rows from a table using the DELETE command

mysql> DELETE FROM student WHERE firstname=“amar";


Eliminating Redundant Data: (with Keyword DISTINCT)

 DISTINCT keyword eliminates duplicate rows from the result of a SELECT statement.


mysql> SELECT DISTINCT city FROM Student

mysql> SELECT DISTINCT city FROM Student WHERE class=4


BETWEEN - to access data in specified range

 mysql> SELECT * FROM Student WHERE class between 4 and 6;

IN   - operator allows us to easily test if the expression is in the list of values.

 mysql> SELECT * FROM Student WHERE class in (4,5,6);

 Pattern Matching – LIKE Operator

A string pattern can be used in SQL using the following wild card

 % Represents a substring in any length

_ Represents a single character



‘A%’ represents any string starting /with ‘A’ character.

‘_ _A’ represents any 3 character string ending with ‘A’.

‘_B%’ represents any string having second character ‘B’

‘_ _ _’ represents any 3 letter string.

A pattern is case sensitive and can be used with LIKE operator.


  • mysql> SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Name LIKE ‘A%’;
  • mysql> SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Name LIKE%Singh%’;
  • mysql> SELECT Name, City FROM Student WHERE Class>=8

AND Name LIKE ‘%Kumar%’ ;


Altering Table

 The SQL ALTER TABLE command is used to add, delete or modify columns in an existing table

ALTER TABLE command is also used to add and drop various constraints on an existing table.


ALTER TABLE command to add a New Column in an existing table is as follows.

ALTER TABLE table_name ADD column_name datatype;

ALTER TABLE employee

ADD (tel_number integer);

 ALTER TABLE command to DROP COLUMN in an existing table is as follows.

ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name;

ALTER TABLE employee

DROP grade;

 ALTER TABLE command to change the DATA TYPE of a column in a table is as follows.

ALTER TABLE table_name MODIFY COLUMN column_name datatype;

ALTER TABLE employee

MODIFY( Job char(30) );

 ALTER TABLE command to change name of one column:

ALTER TABLE table_name CHANGE old_column new_column datatype;

ALTER TABLE employee

CHANGE First_Name FName varchar(30);


Ordering Query Result – ORDER BY Clause

A query result can be orders in ascending (A-Z) or descending (Z-A) order as per any column. Default is Ascending order.


mysql> SELECT * FROM Student ORDER BY class;

mysql> SELECT * FROM Student ORDER BY City;


To get descending order use DESC key word.

mysql> SELECT * FROM Student ORDER BY class DESC;

mysql> SELECT * FROM Student ORDER BY City DESC;


mysql> SELECT Name, Fname, City FROM Student

Where Name LIKE ‘R%’ ORDER BY Class;




Sometimes it is required to apply a Select query in a group of records instead of the whole table.

The GROUP BY clause combines all those records that have identical values in a particular field or a group of fields. This grouping results into one summary record per group.

We can group records by using GROUP BY <column> clause with Select command. A group column is chosen which has non-distinct (repeating) values like City, Job etc.


Lastname Fname     City       Class

Sharma     Rajesh      Jaipur       12

Kumar       Kamal       Kota         12

Saxena     Rajeev      Kota         10

Singh        Rohit        Ajmer       10

Verma       Sachin      Jaipur       11



SELECT COUNT(class)       FROM student GROUP BY city;




 SELECT city, COUNT(*)     FROM student GROUP BY city;

 City          count(*)

Jaipur       2

Kota         2

Ajmer       1


The GROUP BY Clause is used to group rows with the same values.

The GROUP BY Clause is used together with the SQL SELECT statement.

The SELECT statement used in the GROUP BY clause can only be used to contain column names, aggregate functions, constants and expressions.

The HAVING clause is used to restrict the results returned by the GROUP BY clause.


Aggregate Functions

 Name            Purpose

SUM()               Returns the sum of the given column.

MIN()               Returns the minimum value in the given column.

MAX()               Returns the maximum value in the given column.

AVG()               Returns the Average value of the given column.

COUNT()           Returns the total number of values/ records as per given



Aggregate Functions & NULL

 Null values are excluded while (avg) aggregate function is used

 Consider a table Emp having following records as-


Code       Name      Sal

E1             Mohak       NULL

E2            Anuj         4500

E3            Vijay         NULL

E4            Vishal       3500

E5            Anil           4000


SQL Queries                           Result of query

mysql> Select Sum(Sal) from EMP;              12000

mysql> Select Min(Sal) from EMP;               3500

mysql> Select Max(Sal) from EMP;              4500

mysql> Select Count(Sal) from EMP;            3

mysql> Select Avg(Sal) from EMP;               4000

mysql> Select Count(*) from EMP;               5


Aggregate Functions & Group

 An Aggregate function may applied on a column with DISTINCT or ALL keyword. If nothing is given ALL is assumed.


Using SUM (<Column>)

This function returns the sum of values in a given column or expression.


mysql> Select Sum(Sal) from EMP;

mysql> Select Sum(DISTINCT Sal) from EMP;

mysql> Select Sum (Sal) from EMP where City=‘Jaipur’;

mysql> Select Sum (Sal) from EMP Group By City;

mysql> Select Job, Sum(Sal) from EMP Group By Job;


Using MIN (<column>)

This function returns the Minimum value in the given column.

 mysql> Select Min(Sal) from EMP;

mysql> Select Min(Sal) from EMP Group By City;

mysql> Select Job, Min(Sal) from EMP Group By Job;


Using MAX (<Column>)

This function returns the Maximum value in given column.

 mysql> Select Max(Sal) from EMP;

mysql> Select Max(Sal) from EMP where City=‘Jaipur’;

mysql> Select Max(Sal) from EMP Group By City;


Using AVG (<column>)

This functions returns the Average value in the given column.

mysql> Select AVG(Sal) from EMP;

mysql> Select AVG(Sal) from EMP Group By City;

 Using COUNT (<*|column>)

This function returns the number of rows in the given column.

 mysql> Select Count ( * ) from EMP;

mysql> Select Count(Sal) from EMP Group By City;

mysql> Select Count(*), Sum(Sal) from EMP Group By Job;


Aggregate Functions & Conditions

 You may use any condition on group, if required. HAVING <condition> clause is used to apply a condition on a group.

 mysql> Select Job,Sum(Pay) from EMP

Group By Job HAVING Sum(Pay)>=8000;

 mysql> Select Job, Sum(Pay) from EMP

Group By Job HAVING Avg(Pay)>=7000;

 mysql> Select Job, Sum(Pay) from EMP

Group By Job HAVING Count(*)>=5;

 mysql> Select Job, Min(Pay),Max(Pay), Avg(Pay) from EMP Group

By Job HAVING Sum(Pay)>=8000;

 mysql> Select Job, Sum(Pay) from EMP Where City=‘Jaipur’


Note :- Where clause works in respect of the whole table but Having works on Group only. If Where and Having both are used then Where will be executed first.

Joins: equi-join and natural join

A join is a query that combines rows from two or more tables. In a JOIN query more than one table  are listed in the FROM clause. MySQL provides  various type of Joining :


EQUI-JOIN (in Syllabus)

NATURAL JOIN (in Syllabus)

 Cross Join (Cartesian product) – 

It return all possible concatenation of all rows from both table i.e. one row of First table is joined with all the rows of second table.

Cartesian product joins each row of one table with each row of another table. So if –

First table have 6 rows and second table have 4 rows, then total number of rows in output will be 6 x 4 = 24.





The join, in which columns are compared for equality is called Equi-Join. A non-equi join specifies condition with non-equality operator.  In equi-join we put (*) in the select list therefore the common column will appear twice in the output.


To understand the output, let's take 2 table one for employee (contains employee detail with deptno) and another for department contains deptno and other department details.



Now we want to fetch details of employee along with its corresponding matching department. Like for ‘alam’ deptno is 10 so from dept table it should show deptno 10 details and so on

From the above query, we can observe that while doing equi-join we have to give equality condition on common column of both tables so that it picks related records


Or we can give commands by giving tables a diff names for easy understanding:

Natural Join


The JOIN in which only one of the identical columns exists is called Natural Join. It is similar to Equi-join except that duplicate columns are eliminated in Natural join that would otherwise appear in Equi-Join.


In natural join we specify the names of column to fetch in place of (*) which is responsible for appearing common column twice in output.


A common error while giving command :

The reason of this error is – the deptno exists in both the table, so in this case if we are selecting or using only deptno then it becomes ambiguous from which table this deptno will be selected

To resolve this error, just qualify the common column by table name as TableName.column  name


Till now we have performed joining using traditional SQL method which is common to most of the RDBMS software now we will learn MySQL style of joining using JOIN clause. MySQL support various options with JOIN


Cartesian product using JOIN

Select * from shades JOIN color;


Select * from shades CROSS JOIN color;


Equi – Join using JOIN

Select * from emp JOIN dept ON emp.deptno =  dept.deptno;

Select * from emp JOIN dept ON emp.deptno =  dept.deptno where salary>50000;


Natural – Join using JOIN

Select * from emp NATURAL JOIN dept


In NATURAL JOIN condition the join condition is not required it automatically joins based on the common column value



Interface of Python with an SQL database


A database is nothing but an organized collection of data. Data is organized into rows, columns and tables and it is indexed to make it easier to find relevant information. It becomes necessary to provide an interface between Python and Database through SQL.

SQL is just a query language, it is not a database. To perform SQL queries, we need to install any database for example Oracle, MySQL, MongoDB, PostGres SQL, SQL Server, DB2 etc.

Python Database API supports a wide range of database servers, like msql, postgressql, Informix, oracle, Sybase etc.


Connecting SQL with Python

Before we connect python program with any database like MySQL we need to build a bridge to connect Python and MySQL.

 Steps to use mysql-connector

1.    Download Mysql API ,exe file and install it.(click here to download)


2.   Install Mysql-Python Connector

 (Open command prompt and execute command)

 >pip install mysql-connector

3.   Write python statement in python shell import mysql.connector


If no error message is shown means mysql connector is properly installed

To provide interface between database and programming language:

1. Connection must be established.

2. mysql must be installed on the system

3. Database and Table also must be already created.


import mysql.connector              Or 

import mysql.connector as ms


Here “ms” is an alias, so every time we can use “ms” in place of “mysql.connector”


To create connection, connect() function is used

Its syntax is:




·       Here server_name means database servername, generally  it is given as “localhost”

·        User_name means user by which we connect with mysql  generally it is given as “root”

·        Password is the password of user “root”

·        Database is the name of database whose data(table) we  want to use



 import mysql.connector

mydb=mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost",user="root",passwd="root“, database=“school”) 



After successful execution of above statements in python following out will be displayed

<mysql.connector.connection.MySQLConnection object at 0x022624F0>





·        is_connected() function returns  true if connection is established  otherwise false

·        “mys” is an alias of package “mysql.connector”

·        “mycon” is connection object which stores connection established with MySQL

·        Connect() functions is used to establish connection with given parameters.



Cursor object :

The MySQLCursor class instantiates objects that can execute operations such as SQL  statements. Cursor objects interact with the MySQL server using a MySQLConnection  object.


Cursor stores  all the data as a temporary container of returned data  and we can fetch data one row at a time from Cursor.



Cursor_name = connectionObject.cursor()

For e.g.

mycursor = mycon.cursor()



We use execute() function to send query to connection


For e.g.

mycursor.execute(„select * from emp‟)





Output shows cursor is created and query is fired and stored, but no data is coming.

To fetch data we have to use functions like fetchall(), fetchone(),  fetchmany() etc.


Example: (creating database)


import mysql.connector 



mycursor.execute("create database if not exists school") 

mycursor.execute("show databases")

for x in mycursor: 



Through line 4 we are creating a database named school

(if it is already not created with  the help of cursor object.)


Line 5 executes the sql query show databases and store result in mycursor as collection, whose values are being fetched in x variable one by one.


On execution of above program school database is created and a list of available databases is shown.


Example: (creating table)


import mysql.connector



mycursor.execute("create table student(rollno int(3) primary key,name varchar(20),age int(2))")


Example: change table structure (add, edit, remove column of a table)


import mysql.connector



mycursor.execute("alter table emp add (bonus int(3))") 

mycursor.execute("desc emp")


for x in mycursor: 



Example: (insert record in a table)


import mysql.connector



while 1==1:

    ch=int(input("enter -1 to exit any other no to insert record into student table"))

    if ch==-1:


    eno=int(input("Enter eno")) 

    ename=input("Enter ename")

    edept=input("Enter dept") 

    sal=int(input("Enter salary")) 


mycursor.execute("insert into emp values('"+str(eno)+"','"+ename+"','"+edept+"','"+str(sal)+"')") 




Example:(search a record)


import mysql.connector



nm=input("enter name")

mycursor.execute("select * from emp where ename='"+nm+"'") 

for x in mycursor:

    print (x)


Example: (delete record of a table)


import mysql.connector



mycursor.execute("delete from emp where eno=100") 



In above program delete query will delete a record with rollno=1.commit() method is  necessary to call for database transaction.



Example: (Update record)

import mysql.connector



mycursor.execute("update emp set sal=1000 where eno=101")



In above program update query update the marks with 99 of rollno=2


To extract data from cursor following functions are used:


fetchall() : it will return all the record in the form of  tuple.

fetchone() : it return one record from the result set. i.e.  first time it will return first record, next time it will return  second record and so on. If no more record it will return  None

fetchmany(n) : it will return n number of records. if no more record it will return an empty tuple.

rowcount : it will return number of rows retrieved from  the cursor so far.




import mysql.connector  as mys



mycursor.execute('select * from emp')



print('Total records fetch:',nrec)

for row in mydata:





import mysql.connector  as mys



mycursor.execute('select * from emp')



print('Total records fetch:',nrec)

for e,n,d,s in mydata:

    print (e,n,d,s)




import mysql.connector  as mys



mycursor.execute('select * from emp')



print('Total records fetch:',nrec)

for row in mydata:



Example: (fetch all recrods)


import mysql.connector



mycursor.execute("select * from emp") 


for x in myrecords: 

    print (x)




import mysql.connector  as mys



mycursor.execute('select * from emp')



print('Total records fetch:',nrec)




print('Total records fetch:',nrec)





import mysql.connector 



mycursor.execute("select * from emp") 


while row is not None:


    row = mycursor.fetchone()





import mysql.connector  as mys



mycursor.execute('select * from emp')



print('Total records fetch:',nrec)

for row in mydata:





import mysql.connector  as mys



e=int(input('Enter emp number to search'))

query='select * from emp where eno='+str(e)



if data!=None:



    print('No such employee')


Example: (rowcount()):


Rows affected by Query. We can get number of rows affected by the query by


import mysql.connector 



mycursor = mydb.cursor(buffered=True) 

mycursor.execute("select * from emp") 


print("No of rows in student table are",noofrows)


This type cursor fetches rows and buffers them after getting output from MySQL database. We can use such cursor as iterator. There is no point in using buffered cursor for single fetching of rows. If we don’t use buffered cursor then we will get -1 as output from


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